Sunday, April 5, 2009

Day Two - Beaumont to 29 Palms

Today was an amazing day! Mike completed another 64 miles in spite of high winds and steep grades. During a 17 mile stretch, there was a 2,500 foot elevation gain. During his ride today I enjoyed photographing wild flowers and interesting people. I have found the desert to be very colorful in many ways.

From now on Mike insists on proof reading anything I write about the trip. You will see by the signage I created for the truck, I actually have the trip outline backwards. We are in fact headed east to the Atlantic....the sign reads Atlantic to the Pacific......Ooops, sorry Honey. (But it was sitting on the table for 3 days before WE put it on he car.)

Be sure to check out more images from today and the colorful desert wild flowers at

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