Friday, April 17, 2009

Mike tried to beat the rain today....

Mike tried to beat the rain today but when that wasn't possible, he didn't let the rain beat him! The weather man said it wouldn't hit until noon, but the weather man was wrong. Around 10:00 a.m. and 3 and a half hours into Mike's ride the rain started, and it didn't just rain.....the weather man said nothing about FREEZING RAIN!

After about 45 minutes to an hour the rain let up and we saw patches of blue sky. Not only was the weather not good, the road conditions were pretty tough. Rough asphalt and steep grades on and off made for a challenging ride.

Mike rode 65.9 miles today and we are now in State number 4! We will be in Colorado now for the next few days. Tomorrow's ride includes Lizard Head Pass which is over 10,000 ft.

During Mike's ride today I did managed to find time to do some house hunting.

Also, after examining the picture below, I'd say it's gotten smaller in just 2 weeks. I'm thinking I need to get on the bike!