Sunday, April 26, 2009

Chasing the Storm!

Today we left just after sunrise at 6:50 a.m. It had rained last night and we felt like we were chasing the storm for all 54 miles today into Ness City, Kansas.

Luckily the wind had shifted overnight and Mike had some tail wind on his side. His average speed was about 16 miles per hour. Here is a shot of what it's like supporting a rider in questionable weather.

Not much opportunity for much photography today, but I did happen upon a couple of wild Spring Turkey's.

A few things we've learned about Kansas in the few days we've been here:

1 - No pheasant cleaning in hotel guest rooms is allowed.

2 - When you have a choice between ham or chicken on your chef salad, the chicken will be breaded and fried.

3 - It appears that when you buy a satellite dish to put on your single wide mobil home, it comes with a free trampoline!

4 -Based on the activity in the towns we are visiting, we believe that we are either living an episode of the twilight zone, or the adults have been wished out to the corn field.