Saturday, May 16, 2009

Stormy weather and new friends!

We woke up this morning to dark skies and a lot of rain. We expected this and were set on heading out anyway. We took a leap of faith that this one time the weather channel would be correct and the storms would clear by mid morning.

Well, they cleared by mid morning, but then it started up again early afernoon. Once Mike had dried out a little, it started up again! To add to our drama today, the GPS in the car decided to take me on various scenic routes which made the day challenging. We finally got synced up and arrived at our final destination together, thank god or old fashioned paper maps!

In spite of the of the weather, Mike was determined and managed to ride 84.4 miles. We are more than half way through kentucky. They are saying the rain will be over tonight, but we don't really care what they say anymore, we're moving on!

Towards the end of our day today we met an east bound cyclist. His name is Jaap (pronounced Yop). Jaap is from Amsterdam and started his ride in New York and plans on riding to the west coast by July 23. Maybe we'll greet him when he arrives!

Jaap asked me to send a greeting to his wife Colette, his son Elmo and daughter Amanda! Jaap is traveling alone and doing great! He didn't sound too excited about the steepness of the Ozarks though.

The weather did add to some pretty dramatic shots this morning so I took advantage of the situation. I've decided that if I can't manage to find a barn to play with, I'll play with churches, and of course cows and flowers.

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